What Is a Promissory Note?

The Promissory Note

The format of promissory notes differs per lender, however the idea is the same. The opening paragraph identifies the lender and borrower. The note will describe the terms of the deal including principal amount, interest rate and maturity date. Following the terms, the document will list several recitals. A recital is a statement of the facts contained within the transaction. With a secure note, one of the recitals will describe the security instrument. A security instrument can be a number of documents including a mortgage, assignment, security agreement, or a pledge agreement. It will read similar to, “Whereas the borrower has entered into a Security Agreement dated July 31, 2019 as collateral for the loan.”. This clause ties the promissory note and security agreement together, in effect collateralizing the loan.


If a borrower begins to miss payments on a secured note, they will incur late charges. If the borrower exceeds 90 days of non-payment, the loan will be declared in default. If this happens, the lender will begin can pursue legal action. The process can depend on a number of factors including the type of loan, the collateral and the state judicial process. When completed, ownership of the collateral will be transfered to the bank. The lender will likely have legal expenses, and will usually work with a borrower in default before exercising its rights to the collateral. It may lower the interest rate, extend the repayment term or institute a temporary period where the borrower pays only the interest.


A key benefit that a promissory note provides both parties, is flexibility. Promissory notes allow you to specify how payments will be made whether in installments, at a future point in time or due upon signing. You can fully amortize the loan and make the payments on monthly schedule, or you can make equal payments due on a quarterly or semi-annual basis. This flexibility allows you to specify loan terms that best fits your needs or the needs of your company.